Examinare Stay Evaluator


Stay Evaluatorを使えば、ホテリエはゲストが実際に何を考えているかを知り、欠点があればそれに基づいて行動することで、ホテルをより良く、より収益性の高いものにしていくことができます。私たちのオンライン評判管理ソフトウェアを使用すると、我々はゲストのフィードバックを収集するだけでなく、実際の調査の専門家によって作られたゲストの調査を送信するだけではありません。アンケートのテンプレートは使用せず、20年以上のゲストの声の経験から蓄積された人間的な知識を活用しています。 

How does it work?

Your hotel staff gets a personalized page with a Reception Form, where they put guest’s name and email/phone number. After one button click the system sends survey invites to your customers or plans a sendout according to your settings. The whole process takes between 5 and 15 seconds per guest.

What results do you get?

After the survey has been finished by your guest, the received answers are automatically analyzed in real time. You can always check them inside Stay Evaluator, sort the results by date, room, service and other background data. Depending on the type of question you choose, the charts are formed and Customer Satisfaction Score is calculated.

Comments on various hotel services are displayed in a separate section. There you are presented with a user-friendly feedback overview and may also use the chosen results as testimonials for your website.

Communication with the clients is organized via SMS or email.

You may choose a preferable way of contacting your guests or use both. SMS has an added small cost, while email communication is totally free of charge.

If you use both SMS and email, the system is protected from double answers. When your customer answers on the phone, the email link automatically expires.

How is the setup process organized?

Depending on your needs, services and administration program, Stay Evaluator can be implemented as a separate web page or integrated into your system.

In the first case, your staff gets a unique page with a Reception Form, where they put guest data and schedule the surveys. You, as a manager, have a separate entrance into the system for checking results, statistics and reading feedback.

In the second case, our developers create a unique integration for your system, which catches the check-out guests and automatically plans survey sendouts according to the made settings.

Stay Evaluatorを使用するコアな理由。




ネットのレビューに頼ってしまうと、大きな間違いを犯してしまいます。レビューは偽物である可能性があります。Stay Evaluatorを使用すると、顧客のために真の問題を解決するために、鋭い焦点が当てられるようになります。お客様目線で仕事をすると、より多くのお客様を獲得し、新規のお客様を獲得することができるようになります。 

ゲストアンケートでは、Stay Evaluatorを使用して実際のお客様からの本当の結果が表示されるようにしています。 


私たちは、Examinareホスティングフレームワークの中でStay Evaluatorをホストし、私たちは、通常のWebホスティングよりも高いセキュリティ基準を持っています。 









他にも従業員満足度調査や新任管理職の360評価のような調査をする必要があるのでしょうか?それならば、Stay Evaluatorはあなたを助けてくれるでしょう。あなただけのExaminare調査ツールアカウントも契約に含まれています。







Stay Evaluator
500 EURO
First month included, after 150 USD / per month.
  • Automatic Survey Invites
  • Questionnaire in 2 languages included
  • Advanced Reporting
  • Fully featured, no upgrades!
  • Questionnaire Created by Examinare Team
  • Dedicated Support Contact

Start your Stay Evaluator Experience

You can now start your experience with Stay Evaluator directly online. After the first payment that includes setup and first month of usage the following will happen:

1. We contact you for the first meeting out of 2.
2. We create your questionnaire.
3. You approve the questionnaire or we make adjustments.
4. Setup
5. Startup meeting, your business is ready to go!


あなたのサービスについては、専門家があなたのアンケート質問、招待状、デザインを作成します。あなたの目標や課題をお聞かせいただくだけで、Stay Evaluatorがより効果的に目標達成のお手伝いをさせていただくことができます。


Stay Evaluator - ニュース

A hotel Customer Satisfaction Survey in 15 seconds, how is it possible? Stay Evaluator, more than just a Hotel Questionnaire.

Let´s face it. You as a hotelier do not have time to create surveys. However, what if you as an organization could spend less than 15 seconds to send out, read and get information about what your guests...


SMS invites are now available at unbeatable prices.

With the newest upgrade of Stay Evaluator, we now support sending out the Survey Forms by SMS to your guests. With sending by SMS you can get over 12% more votes comparing to E-mail invites only. When...


Automated E-mail importing of lists is available in Stay Evaluator. Save even more time.

Since the launch of Stay Evaluator product we have had a powerful checkout form. Even though the form takes very little time to fill out, we still thought it could be easier for larger hotels that have...
