

通过住宿评估器,酒店经营者可以知道客户的真正想法,并根据其过错而采取行动,从而使自己的酒店变得更好且更加有盈利的。 使用我们的线上信誉管理软件,我们不仅可以收集客户的反馈,还可以向客户发送由真正的调查专业人士精心制作的调查。 我们不采用调查模板,而是使用20多年的客户反馈中积累的经验知识。 

How does it work?

Your hotel staff gets a personalized page with a Reception Form, where they put guest’s name and email/phone number. After one button click the system sends survey invites to your customers or plans a sendout according to your settings. The whole process takes between 5 and 15 seconds per guest.

What results do you get?

After the survey has been finished by your guest, the received answers are automatically analyzed in real time. You can always check them inside Stay Evaluator, sort the results by date, room, service and other background data. Depending on the type of question you choose, the charts are formed and Customer Satisfaction Score is calculated.

Comments on various hotel services are displayed in a separate section. There you are presented with a user-friendly feedback overview and may also use the chosen results as testimonials for your website.

Communication with the clients is organized via SMS or email.

You may choose a preferable way of contacting your guests or use both. SMS has an added small cost, while email communication is totally free of charge.

If you use both SMS and email, the system is protected from double answers. When your customer answers on the phone, the email link automatically expires.

How is the setup process organized?

Depending on your needs, services and administration program, Stay Evaluator can be implemented as a separate web page or integrated into your system.

In the first case, your staff gets a unique page with a Reception Form, where they put guest data and schedule the surveys. You, as a manager, have a separate entrance into the system for checking results, statistics and reading feedback.

In the second case, our developers create a unique integration for your system, which catches the check-out guests and automatically plans survey sendouts according to the made settings.



当您的宾客回答完调查后,您便可以登录并按住宿日期、房间、服务和其他背景数据进行分类,并对其结果进行分析。 我们还可以通过电邮、仪表板或我们的应用程序工具为您提供您的结果。 


当您依赖线水评论的时候,您犯了一个很大的错误。 因为评论有可能是假的,竞争对手会将其放在此处令您分散注意力。 使用住宿评估器时,您确保您的注意力是专门为客户解决真正的问题。 当您采用以客为先的方式工作时,您将会赢得更多和吸入新的客源。 






当您成为我们的客户时,我们会与您签署个人数据助理协议,并且您的账户中存储的所有数据都将根据《通用数据保护条例》 (GDPR)进行处理。


我们认为CSAT(客户满意度得分)以1到5之间的评分表示,具有合理结构的调查,可以帮助您的团队根据结果进行阅读和沟渠。  因此所有团队成员都将能够理解他们在全局中的角色。 


您是否需要进行其他调查,例如"员工满意度调查" 或 "360度全方位评估"? 那么住宿评估器将为您提供协助。 您自己的Examinare调查工具帐户也包含在合约中。 


我们的服务通过短信和电邮发送调查邀请。  如果您的客户在电话上回答,则电邮调查链接将自动失效。  没有重复回答的风险。 


通过我们的接待表,您的接待人员可以开始发送调查邀请的过程。  每个来宾用时需要5到15秒。  我们的系统将持续发送调查提醒。 


如果您有一个现代化的酒店管理程序,那么已经可以进行集成。  如果没有,那么我们将尽可能进行必要的集成。  不用担心,包在我们身上! 

Stay Evaluator
500 EURO
First month included, after 150 USD / per month.
  • Automatic Survey Invites
  • Questionnaire in 2 languages included
  • Advanced Reporting
  • Fully featured, no upgrades!
  • Questionnaire Created by Examinare Team
  • Dedicated Support Contact

Start your Stay Evaluator Experience

You can now start your experience with Stay Evaluator directly online. After the first payment that includes setup and first month of usage the following will happen:

1. We contact you for the first meeting out of 2.
2. We create your questionnaire.
3. You approve the questionnaire or we make adjustments.
4. Setup
5. Startup meeting, your business is ready to go!


就您的服务而言,真正的专业人员将为您创建调查问题、邀请和设计。 您所需要做的就是告诉我们您的目标和难题,以便我们使住宿评估品更加有效地帮助您实现目标。
我们有一个简化的流程,真正的专业人士会与您进行面谈,并根据您现在所在的位置以及您希望与业务达成的目标进行宾客调查。 面谈及其中的所有数据均按照严格的保密准则处理,并且我们与您之间签署了保密协议。
在我们的系统中,我们从不将一个酒店的模板用于另一个酒店。 所有酒店可能看起来都一样,但我们从来都不是这样。



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