Automated E-mail importing of lists is available in Stay Evaluator. Save even more time.


Since the launch of Stay Evaluator product we have had a powerful checkout form. Even though the form takes very little time to fill out, we still thought it could be easier for larger hotels that have a big amount of people checking out every day.

Excel and E-mail, a very easy and powerful method.

With the help of 2 existing technologies you can send Excel files with the contact details of your customers. The e-mail is a special secret email address that accepts only e-mails from one of your e-mail adresses. The import process can be done in 2 ways. By default the import has to be approved with a link that is sent as a reply by email. There is also the way of making the import process without the approval link, if you wish so.

E-mail import also works with SMS-details.

The importing of contact details is made every time a new list has been successfully received. There is a way to define the delivery method. The possible values are:

  • SMS only
  • SMS & E-mail at the same time
  • E-mail only

Language options are included in the import data.

Since Stay Evaluator is a multilanguage product with up to 30 languages, the import files also support chosen language. It means that if the contact has English as the preferred language in the file, it will send out the survey form in English and same if one of the persons has, for example, German or Italian as their prefered language.

How to start with Stay Evaluator.

Contact our sales team and we will help you to get started and make sure you are getting the feedback you need.

This article is about Stay Evaluator.
Our service for Hotel Reputation Management.

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