Multiple choice question (1 correct answer)
The most commonly used in any surveys and questionnaires. Can also be combined with a feedback text field so that you can get more information easily.
Typical Usage Examples:
– Gender
– Age indications
– Yes or No Questions
and many more.
Typical Usage Examples:
– Gender
– Age indications
– Yes or No Questions
and many more.
Multiple choice question (none or several correct answers)
Used in most of the surveys, where you want the recipient to answer with more than 1 option. Examinare also records if the user do not fill in anything and you can also make this question type mandatory.
Typical Usage Examples:
– Service questions
– Usage questions
– Option picking
and many more.
Typical Usage Examples:
– Service questions
– Usage questions
– Option picking
and many more.
Free text question (1 correct answer is typed in)
Used when you want the recipient to answer by typing in text. A more advanced version of this question type is the “Free text question (Multiple answers)”.
Typical Usage Examples:
– Write your name
– Tell us what you think
– Why would you not like…
and many more.
Typical Usage Examples:
– Write your name
– Tell us what you think
– Why would you not like…
and many more.
Osgood-scale (scale with counter parts)
The Osgood-scale is commonly used in questionnaires around branding and feel. The basic idea is to put different feelings against each other. Scale steps can be regulated between 2 and 7 points.
Typical Usage Examples:
– Warm Vs. Cold
– Bright Vs. Dull
– Smart Vs. Dumb
and many more.
Typical Usage Examples:
– Warm Vs. Cold
– Bright Vs. Dull
– Smart Vs. Dumb
and many more.
Gradient scale
Used for many questionnaires around service, where the recipient has to grade the service level of different departments, for example Support, Billing. One gradient scale can lower the usage of Multiple Questions, but can also make your questionnaire more advanced for the common recipient and in that case lower the amount of votes.
Typical Usage Examples:
– How would you grade our departments : Support, Billing, Technical Support, Sales Department
– Considering the following factors, how would you grade our: Prices, Support, Time of Solution, Friendliness
and many more.
Typical Usage Examples:
– How would you grade our departments : Support, Billing, Technical Support, Sales Department
– Considering the following factors, how would you grade our: Prices, Support, Time of Solution, Friendliness
and many more.
Instructions are not really a Question Type but is used to put in a more in detailed explanation of the following steps and can be used in any part of your questionnaire or survey.
Can be used to explain:
– Next steps
– How to think when grading Osgood or Gradient scale questions
– Can hold general information
and much more.
Can be used to explain:
– Next steps
– How to think when grading Osgood or Gradient scale questions
– Can hold general information
and much more.
Free text question (Multiple answers are typed in)
The Free text question (Multiple Answers are typed in) is a more advanced version of the original Free text question. All fields can be made mandatory or optional and it helps when getting information from a recipients.
Typical Usage Examples:
– Enter your: Name, Address, Postal Code, Zip-code and Country.
– Enter your serial number and a product you are using from us to file a support request.
– Check and correct your following details
and much more.
Typical Usage Examples:
– Enter your: Name, Address, Postal Code, Zip-code and Country.
– Enter your serial number and a product you are using from us to file a support request.
– Check and correct your following details
and much more.