
Postal address
Examinare AB
Krinova Science Park
SE-29139 Kristianstad

Organization number

Examinare AB is privately owned.


Examinare Credo

We believe our first responsibility is to our users, whether they are people providing the feedback or the people requesting it. As a global provider, we must continuously strive to make all parts of our services simple, localized and evolve our services along with the changing needs of our users.

We must strive to fill all customers’ needs by improving integration between our services and 3rd party applications and by creating external solutions to build a bridge between what exists today and what needs to exist tomorrow. We want to guide you to tomorrow’s adventures through gathering feedback globally.

Examinare – to examine, evolve and supply feedback while keeping users in focus.

Price Quotation

Price Quotation

Find out how Examinare can help you! One of our Examinare experts will contact you shortly to discuss your needs and how you can benefit from Examinare Solutions.

Fill in the form and we will contact you shortly.

Company *

Name *

Phone (For example: +46700000000) *

E-mail *

Describe the service you would like us to provide.
(After the email has been received you can upload files to the ticket email being created.)

Estimated Budget
(Approximate number with currency) *

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