Examinare, started as a survey tool, evolved to global business partner in all walks of company life.

The Examinare journey started 2006 and has since then evolved to a company partner, not only in feedback but also in IT-solutions, hosting and Market Research. With our experience we cover all parts of your company journey. From Start-up companies to the Growing Multinational Corporations.

With that said, most of our feedback solutions are based on Examinare, the Survey Tool.

Latest News

Qualitative employee survey at a fixed price.

Since 2006 Examinare has collected more than 26 million questionnaire responses. A large part of these responses was received as a part of employee surveys. After such a long experience we have become...

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Mitä kysymyksiä voit kysyä asiakaskyselyssäsi?

Asiakkaamme ja mahdolliset asiakkaamme kysyvät usein, millaisia kysymyksiä heidän tulisi kysyä, kun he lähettävät asiakaskyselyjä? Tärkein asia, jota sinun tulisi harkita, että kyselet asiakkailta...

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Service quality survey with Delivery Evaluator from Market Research Company Examinare.

When creating a service quality survey there is a lot of factors involved in the project. It is not something that you should take lightly. Templates and word files that you can download online are not...

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Price Quotation

Price Quotation

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