Use Examinare Survey Tool in your whole school

With Examinare Faculty Program all your students and teachers can take great advantage from using the same system. Pay for what your school use in form of student and teachers account.

Control all your accounts inside the Campus Administration Console.

Конзола за администрацијата на кампусот. Онлајн управување со профилите.

Faculty Program involves campus administration console for easy account management of your users. You can at any time increase or decrease the quantity of survey tool users and do this as much as needed. There is no need to keep accounts, which you do not use and pay for them, while at the same time, you can always add new teacher or student users without the necessity to order a separate edition of the tool.

- 5 EURO / Month / Student
- 8 EURO / Month / Teacher
- Minimum 100 Active Accounts
- 12 Month Contract

Cancellation at any time after first 12 months.

Индивидуално за секој корисник.

Угодност наместо збунетост! Со изданието за усовршување, секој корисник добива свој сопствен профил. На тој начин, сите истражувања за различни цели, анкети и приматели ќе бидат одвоени и секој корисник ќе има пристап само до анкетите што се направени или внесени од секој корисник посебно.
Price Quotation

Price Quotation

Find out how Examinare can help you! One of our Examinare experts will contact you shortly to discuss your needs and how you can benefit from Examinare Solutions.

Fill in the form and we will contact you shortly.

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