Layout in Examinare Survey Tool.

What makes your recipients willing to answer? Stylish design or functionality that everyone understands? With Examinare survey tool you do not have to choose! We have both. 

Logo, survey’s colors and form, Start Page, Thank You Page, font size and many other layout features are customizable. You can let your imagination fly and make the survey look just the way you need without any limitations.

U Eie Kenteken en Veranderlike Opname Uitleg.

Maak gebruik van u eie kenteken tipe en grafiese styl in een muisklik, of maak gebruik van ons CSS kode styl funksie. Indien u 'n kenteken wil verander kan jy al die bestaande opnames opdateer deur die kenteken tipe op een plek te verander. Indien jy projekte het wat 'n alternatiewe styl vereis, is dit net so eenvoudig om aan te pas soos jou hoofstyl, binne dieselfde organisasie of projek.

Enige Kommer Oor Swak Sig? Met Examinare is u in beheer van hoe duidelik u die letters op u rekenaarskerm sien. Alle opnamevorms beskik oor funksies vir swak sig. Met een muisklik kan alle teks op die opnamevorms beheer word en vergroot word na grootskrif.

Beskryf Jou Opname in 'n Begin Blad en Voltooi Met 'n Bedankings Blad.

If you want to start your survey with general information about your company’s purpose, just activate a Start Page on the survey form.

You are also welcome to use a Thank You Page! It will appear every time a survey is finished, and will be set for all your surveys.

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  • Publish 3 Surveys at the same time
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  • 1 Administrative User
  • Additional users 50% discount
  • Get 10% of Yearly Subscription
Unlimited Account
69 USD
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  • Publish Unlimited Amount of Surveys
  • Pre-made Template Library
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  • Examinare Modules & Integrations
  • Access to Examinare API
  • Personal Account Manager
  • 1 Administrative User
  • Additional users 50% discount
  • Get 10% of Yearly Subscription
Personal Account
17 USD
Prys / maand
  • Unlimited Answers, Polls & Recipients
  • Publish 2 Surveys at the same time
  • Pre-made Template Library
  • Email Support only
  • 1 Administrative User
  • Additional users cannot be added
  • Get 10% of Yearly Subscription