Create a 360-degree survey and other employee surveys easily.


You've probably heard of the term “360-degree survey” before but haven’t found exactly what a standard 360-degree survey means for your business. This type of survey is used to get feedback from several different levels of your organization on a particular person within the company. It can be a manager, a new appointee in the administration, a new support staff or even the existing employees.

It is important to know the possibilities of 360-degree surveys, as this may indicate the need for staff training and the efficiency of your organization. Many people can be afraid of personal attention when answering surveys in a 360-degree environment. This is a human factor and it can be handled by not having too direct questions and getting a good partner for your surveys. Direct questions can also give a very twisted reporting of results and won’t provide you with needed information in the process of analyzing. We at Examinare have extensive experience in all types of employee surveys and 360-degree surveys in particular.

With our help, your company can hold professional and effective 360-degree surveys and collect valuable answers via our Examinare survey tool. We’ll make it painless and comfortable for you to seek these answers. We can also help you with analyzing your surveys and providing the answers, which depict your earnings, opportunities and potential.

We can also ensure that you’ll have access to your account in no time. It can be used for any type of survey you need. It opens the possibilities of creating one or more customer surveys, web surveys, or why not the ongoing support and project follow-ups?

We at Examinare are also able to create integrations to deliver your results directly to your IT systems.

To get started with the 360-degree questionnaire/survey please ask for a quotation. We will find any possible opportunity to provide you with a good suitable price.

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