Mailchimp Integration
Enables you to sync all your contacts over to Examinare from your Mailchimp account. This way you can easily send out a survey to all your recipients on your email lists.
Installation Instructions
The steps are easy, start by signing into your Mailchimp account and create an API key:
- Sign into your Mailchimp account.
- On the top right corner click on your username and pick “Account”.
- Under “Extras” menu click “API Keys”.
- Create a new API key.
Now login to Examinare:
5. Login and navigate into “Integrations” menu.
6. Click Mailchimp.
7. Paste your API key into the field.
8. Wait 20 minutes and all your recipients has been created in your account. You will find all recipients belonging to Groups with name first starting on Mailchimp_
To disable the mailchimp integration just sign into your Examinare account and navigate into “Integrations” menu and pick Mailchimp. Well inside the integration click on “Disable” button and your sync will stop.