Follow up each delivery via SMS survey or E-mail survey with Delivery Evaluator.


Every delivery is always just as important, that the product arrives quickly is now one of the most important parts when asking consumers. Receiving a sms or e-mail questionnaire is not always what you think of as an e-merchant, but not following up on your deliveries is as bad as not sending the delivery at all.

What are the benefits of sending SMS surveys as an e-merchant?

Receiving a reply via text message allows you to know more about your target group. Not only if they are satisfied but the sms survey can also show if you have engaged customers or if they have just bought because the price is low or they do not find the goods elsewhere.

Low response rate on your sms survey is not only bad.

For example, if you only receive between 10 and 15 percent via sms surveys, you mean, for example, an opportunity for improvement in brand awareness or Brand awareness as it is called in English.

A response level on your text message survey of 30-50 percent shows that you have received a majority of satisfied to very satisfied customers who answer the questionnaire. But of course not always, but if the Satisfied Customer Index shows less than 3 out of those who have answered, they obviously have a lot to work on.

The biggest advantage is that you as an e-merchant show that you care.

The biggest advantage of SMS surveys is already when customers receive the SMS themselves, as you as an e-retailer show that you care that they have received their product and if, for example, you have a supplier that makes it less good for your customers to get their goods, for example: Far to the nearest delivery point or if the agent runs out but routinely means that the customer does not receive the goods but must go and collect the goods several kilometers away so you can do something to improve this by sending the parcels by mail via another freight forwarder who does not have the same problem with delivering packages to your customers. This is just some information that can be obtained via a sms survey.

Welcome to contact us regarding sms questionnaires already today, we have special offers for e-retailers.

This article is about Delivery Evaluator.
Our service for Delivery Feedback Surveys.

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