Customer Satisfaction Surveys of Airline Services Automatically.


Attentiveness to customer needs is what differs successful company from the mediocre one. Show your customers that you really care about their comfort and positive experience without any major changes in the usual daily workflow of your airline. Delivery Evaluator tracks the arrival of your passengers to the destination place and asks them about their flight and experience of being your company’s customer. All that you need to do, is log into the system and check the gathered and already analysed results.

We make an individual survey for your company and setup the automatic services ourselves.

Integration of new tools into the usual workflow of big companies is often a troublesome step. However, in circumstances of modern business it is also an essential one. Working with Delivery Evaluator is organized in a way, in terms of which there is no need to worry about or control anything. All that you need to do is hold an online meeting with one of our survey experts, during which he will examine the current situation of your airline company, its features, needs and then create the most relevant and actual survey possible.

Automatic sending of satisfaction surveys based on passenger arrival to the destination place.

Standard customer satisfaction surveys or the ones made from templates bring more problems than practical use today. That is why collecting the needed information and not annoying the client requires new and proactive approach. Delivery Evaluator was developed taking into the account all the peculiarities of modern business. Having a pre-prepared survey, all that you need to do is write the text of email or SMS (depends on what communication channel you will choose) and set the delay in time after your customers’ arrivals. According to the settings you make, the passenger will automatically receive an invitational message with a link to answer few questions about the experience of flying with your airline.

Instant reporting and advanced analysis capabilities.

The gathered data processing is done the next second after your client has finished the survey and you can see the results displayed inside the system in the blink of an eye. The general view gives all the summarized charts and marks for the quick understanding of the current situation. The advanced analysis capabilities of Delivery Evaluator allow you to adjust the statistics according to your needs. Extended data filtration by various parameters, free text questions analysis in text clouds, CSAT, showing the individual answers – these are only a few of all the features you are free to use inside Reports section. The adjusted data can be exported into the most popular file types (like Word, PDF, SPSS) for the further use.

Order Delivery Evaluator account today and start using all the features of modern satisfaction control system.

To start using Delivery Evaluator today, please go to our Prices page and choose the account, which satisfies the needs of your company the most. They differ depending on the number of objects where you would like to use our solution. You can also use our general communication channels (phone, email and online chat) for getting any additional info, help or ordering a custom version of Delivery Evaluator. Our specialists are responsive, easy to reach and always ready to answer all of your questions.

This article is about Delivery Evaluator.
Our service for Delivery Feedback Surveys.

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