How to use Customer Satisfaction Surveys and Delivery Evaluator to follow the quality of Grocery deliveries.


Grocery to your home services or as it can be called, grocery deliveries is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. More and more customers are finding the convenience of the service of getting food delivered to their home. The main reason is saving time and, in some cases, saving money since this way it reduces the amount of impulse shopping.

What are the trends that Delivery Evaluator can show for your Grocery Delivery Company?

Delivery Evaluator can help on seeing quality trends of delivery time, delivery hours, quality of groceries, ease of use and of course overall quality of your service. When it comes to delivery time your main competitor is the manual shopping in the store, so the delivery time is a vital part of the service.

When it comes to delivery hours, many of the customers are working business peak hours and, in that case, you need to be enabled to deliver during evenings and not during days. If for instance your customer group is nurses working night shifts, then the delivery in the evening maybe not the best for that group.

Quality of course is a vital part of your service, if the quality is low you will get information on it from the customers. But how many of your customers would call your call-center and wait for 30 minutes to complain about a set of grapes being smooshed under the ice-cream? Maybe they will start to buy from a different supplier instead?

How to start with Delivery Evaluator.

It is vital to check the trends in your delivery and keep a look out for slowly decreasing quality levels in any field of your business. And if you need a good system to become a superstar in your field then you need to start by contacting us at Delivery Evaluator. We are a customer centered company and will help you create the questionnaire and plan for success. Welcome to contact us about Customer Satisfaction Surveys and automatically connect it to your order system today.

This article is about Delivery Evaluator.
Our service for Delivery Feedback Surveys.

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