
Sample return 1

Sample return 2

POST data information:
This function can be used with an optional POST key called magicID. When magicID is defined more detailed results are added to the XML return.

Return data

This API call will return a multiple XML Magic Poll container if magicID is not defined (Sample return 1).

If magicID is defined it will return more detailed information (Sample return 2).

Sample return 1

[CodeSample file="fetchmagicpollsummary"]

Key information 1

 magicID Id of the Magic Poll in Examinare.
magicName The question asked.
completedAnswers Completed answers in the Poll.
Options Options with results from the poll. If added Options. If no options this field is empty.
–       Number Identification number of the Polls Option.
–       Optiontext Text of the Polls Option
–       Result The result of the Poll Option
–       Percent The percentage of the Poll Option compared to Summary of Completed Answers.

Sample return 2

[CodeSample file="fetchmagicpollsummary2"]

Key information 2

For generic fields in this section please check Key Information 1 since this part only handle the difference between Key information 1 and 2.

 SMS Container for SMS votes
–       Answer Container for individual SMS answer.
–       – id Id of this vote in Examinare.
–       – when Date of the vote in Y-M-D Time format
–       – stamp Unix Timestamp of the vote
–       – phrase Phrase sent in.
–       – from Phonenumber who sent it in.
 Twitter Container for Twitter votes.
–       Answer Container for individual Twitter answer.
–       – id Id of this vote in Examinare.
–       – when Date of the vote in Y-M-D Time format
–       – stamp Unix Timestamp of the vote
–       – phrase Phrase sent in.
–       – from TwitterID who sent it in.
 Web Container for Web votes
–       Answer Container for individual Web votes.
–       – id Id of this vote in Examinare.
–       – when Date of the vote in Y-M-D Time format
–       – stamp Unix Timestamp of the vote
–       – phrase Phrase sent in.
–       – from URL of the voting form.
–       – ip Ip-address of the device entering the voting.


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POST data information:

magicID Id of the Magic Poll in Examinare.
Option Called Number inside the fetchMagicPollSummary (Optional but recommended)
Text Free Text answer. (Optional but recommended)
GadgetID You can define the GadgetID (Freetext) so that you can trace where the vote is comming from. (Optional)

Return data

This function will return Status = OK on success and Status = Error when an error has occurred.