What Questions to Ask in Your Customer Survey?
2021-12-02We often receive questions from our customers and prospects, what questions should they ask when they send out customer surveys? The most important thing to consider is that you are asking the customers with the main target to keep them satisfied with their service.
You certainly do not want to use questions that are impersonal like, “How old are you?”, “Are you male or female?”.
These questions only show that you had no time to do the research or to import the data into your Survey Tool. Using the information that your CRM system contains, you can import this background information to your account in Examinare.
What questions should you ask in your customer survey?
To what extent are you satisfied with our service?
– Very satisfied
– Satisfied
– Dissatisfied
– Very dissatisfied
We usually advise using the 4-point or 6-point scale when creating a customer survey. In this case, the customer cannot be giving average scores but is being forced to take sides.
When is the best time to ask customers?
– Responding before ordering
– Delivery feedback
– Evaluating the solution of technical troubleshooting/support issues
– Examining the affordability of product
– Asking for recommendations
Ask for recommendations
Would you recommend Examinare’s survey tool to a business contact?
– Yes, absolutely!
– Maybe, if I hear that someone is looking for one.
– No.
This question has three levels, but it has two positive levels on purpose. You want to know how many customers are “proud” to use your services.
Every Company is different.
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