How to automatize collecting of customer feedback in any food establishment?


Time is priceless, especially the time of serving people or getting their attention. It’s not always easy and appropriate to distract them from spending good time and ask to share their email or phone number for further sending a customer satisfaction survey. Moreover, such approach is not always compatible with the overall concept of the location. At the same time, the need to evaluate the work of the establishment and the interaction with the staff is undeniable. So how can this quiz be solved?

Solution #1: Organizing a survey spot.

This option allows to collect opinions of people without any direct interaction between your customers and staff. It is implemented with help of a specially developed for this purpose mobile app called Examinare Gadgets. You just take any tablet, preload the needed survey inside the application and locate the gadget in any area of your establishment. By using certain identification marks or pointers you can notify people of the possibility to share their thoughts about the work of your company, to express their complaints or gratitude directly to the management. Note that Gadgets application is fully protected from the unauthorized actions and operates in fully automatic mode.

Solution #2: Automatic survey sending with help of loyalty cards.

This is an absolutely new function, which we have added to Food Evaluator at the beginning of the autumn. Its main mission is to automatize the process of learning customer satisfaction and to make it equally comfortable both for the business side and for its clients. The solution is being implemented with help of customer data attached to their loyalty card. 

When the person has finished the meal/drink and wants to receive the checkout, they are often asked for the loyalty card, which allows to receive the discount or bonus points to their account. As soon as the card’s number is scanned, Food Evaluator receives his/her information and plans sending of customer satisfaction survey according to your settings. All of this is being done without any interaction from your side, thus not taking any second of your staff’s or your customers’ priceless time. The response rate can be increased by rewarding the clients with additional discount on the next visit or additional bonus points. Such approach not only allows to effortlessly control customer satisfaction in your food establishment, but also lets to motivate people visit it more often.

How to start using Food Evaluator and its solutions?

Food Evaluator is a specialized service, which is being set up individually for each company according to its needs and requirements. Price varies depending on the quantity of locations, preferable feedback method, contract duration, integration options and so on. Thus, to start the discussion, please fill in the Price Quotation Request and our team member will contact you shortly with the proposal and further instructions.

This article is about Food Evaluator.
Our service for Restaurant Surveys.

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