Examinare Gadgets version 2.2 now released.


For 3 years, Examinare Gadgets has been used for various types of feedback, now we are releasing our survey kiosk system version 2.2 and we also have a new website for Examinare Gadgets.

Now that we have also released a new Android APP, we now not only support that you can control your survey kiosk but you can also add display screen that also run Examinare Gadgets APP. Use Examinare Gadgets throughout your whole business, from showing smileys to quick business feedback. Also, connect to a more advanced functionality that opens a survey if your visitors are not satisfied.

We also now support in the new version 2.2 the opportunity to obtain information from other sources for your Gadgets and the best part is that you can use these Gadgets directly from your login in Examinare survey tool.

Contact us today for a quote for your next survey kiosk project.

This article is about Examinare Gadgets.
Our service for Survey Kiosks.

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