Create a survey via SMS and send it to any recipient in the world at a fixed price.


We at Pocket Response have developed an SMS survey program that can send surveys all over the world via SMS. By having direct connections to SMS suppliers, we can give you as a customer a low price whether it is to Sweden, Europe, the Nordic countries, Asia or the USA. We are one of the only suppliers to have the solution for 35+ languages and full language support in our mailings.

Survey via SMS, it is important to get quick response to their survey surveys all over the world.

Our system is designed to be quick to send out and quick to get answers. We can also make it possible to send out SMS at a specific time and also switch on which time zone you want to send SMS to and deliver in the morning local time.

Surveys in Arabic, Chinese, Thai or any of the other 35+ languages?

When you want to send your SMS questionnaire in one of the major world languages then of course it is possible. The only thing is that you get a little smaller character when you then have these extra markers to fit in the text message itself. However, when the text message is sent out, it has a link so that your customer can respond to the survey easily and quickly. The survey is of course also the mobile adapted to maximize the number of responses from your customers.

Within two weeks, your account is set up to start using Pocket Response.

We at Pocket Response set up your account for Pocket Response within 2 weeks after the conclusion of the agreement. We at Pocket Response customize your solution and therefore do not conduct SMS questionnaire demos without a contract in place. In our industry, it is not possible to show a demo that shows how everything should work. In a demo, you as a customer will see a general solution and that is not what Pocket Response works. We customize your account and do not generalize your use.

What does the pricing model look like?

Our pricing model on Pocket Response is based on a monthly cost and an SMS cost based on the number of SMS you will send by month. If, for example, you will need a special mobile number to receive text messages. Send SMS with a special format for an extended period of time. Will you need SMS surveys in multiple languages and need help designing the survey? All of these and more factors determine how low the monthly price you will get. We also have special prices if you only need the solution for a few months.

Want to get started as soon as possible? Contact us today by filling out a quotation request today and let's see if we can help you with your next survey via SMS.

This article is about Pocket Response.
Our Service for SMS voting and SMS Surveys.

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