3 ways of increasing the work effectiveness in clinics and healthcare centers with help of surveys.
2019-10-04Today surveys are an integral part of the business world. Customer surveys, employee surveys, market researches, project follow-ups, NPS, feedback systems; there are dozens of ways how businesses gather valuable information through different communication channels daily. Healthcare industry tends to be more conservative. However, in the past years the most proactive representatives of it started using and benefiting from the breakthroughs of information age, one of which, undoubtedly, are online surveys.
Major advantages of using surveys in clinics and healthcare centers.
Surveys are a mutually beneficial tool for both, clinics and their patients. Being constructed and implemented in the correct way, they improve the communication between doctors and patients. Thus, clinic develops a trust, gets additional data about the health problems, patients’ experiences and the effectiveness of the prescript health plans, increases reliability in the eyes of people, while the latter get the opportunity to explain their needs and worries, whereby receiving the sought-for service.
Ok, survey use in modern healthcare industry is undeniable, but how to integrate them into the developed over many years workflow of clinics? First of all, it would be important to emphasize that surveys differ a lot from one another depending on the information being gathered and its further use. Generally, there are three major types of surveys mostly suitable for use in clinics. They are pre-appointment surveys, surveys on location and post-appointment surveys.
Pre-Appointment Surveys.
This kind of surveys is sent to the patients’ emails or is placed on the website of the clinic. It is not a concession from either side, but a way to automate the laborious clinic paperwork, minimize errors and make patient experience more pleasant. Usually it’s a simple questionnaire consisting of fields needed for the appointment registration of the person and optional questions about the health issues and concerns. The latter let doctors to see what challenges are awaiting them beforehand, establish the mutual understanding from the very beginning of the appointment, while patients get the appropriate opportunity to gather their thoughts and describe the problems in the optimal way, not skipping any important details.
Surveys on Location.
These surveys are organized with help of tablets located directly in the healthcare center. It can be a certain place (usually near the registration desk) or they may be handed by the administrator to people, who agree to take part in a survey. This kind of research is aimed at gathering complaints, proposals and opinions of patients, while their experience and emotions are fresh and undistorted. Clinic doesn’t need to send emails, SMSes or reminders to the patients. Those, who are willing to share their thoughts, will have such an opportunity. All the received answers are instantly analyzed and available inside the dashboard. The responsible person may also receive a notification about any significant issues.
Post-Appointment Surveys.
These are the surveys sent to the emails or smartphones of the patients after their visit to the clinic. It is generally being done in 24-48 hours after the appointment. The major goal of this kind of research is to receive the feedback about waiting time, staff professionalism, meeting the expectations, health improvements, overall impression about the clinic. Post-appointment surveys are the most popular and used all over the healthcare industry. They let to evaluate the work quality, each department’s contribution into the overall success and can be automatized, so that tracking of patient satisfaction is a matter of opening a live daily report.
Clinic Evaluator: a universal solution for tracking patient satisfaction and work effectiveness in the healthcare field.
All of the above researches, including surveys on location, can be implemented with Clinic Evaluator. It is a unique solution developed by Swedish market research company specifically for the medical field. Users are able to tweak it according to the work of the clinic or order the individual add-ons for basing it on their individual needs. Send surveys through email and SMS, create an appointment registration form on your website, set up a patient satisfaction spot in your healthcare center, read the automatically analyzed results and raise your clinic the leading positions.
To start the work with Clinic Evaluator or receive a consultation from our specialists, please fill in the Price Quotation request at the bottom of the page.
Our service for Customer Satisfaction Surveys for Clinics.
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