How to measure customer satisfaction in pizzerias


Italian cuisine is popular all over the world, so no wonder that pizza has become an integral part of the restaurant culture. However, widespread popularity also means high competition and, in such circumstances, when the proposed products seem very similar even the slightest differences might help a pizzeria to win the customer. In order to understand them better, you must communicate with the visitors continuously and, as the saying goes, to feel the pulse of their satisfaction.

How to integrate customer satisfaction surveys into the daily workflow of your pizzeria?

There is a lot of ways to keep track of customer satisfaction, such as receipt surveys, surveys via email, SMS and social media, telephone surveys, paper surveys, tablet surveys on location and this is not the limit. All of the above can be brought to life with Examinare Survey Tool, the system behind Food Evaluator, but which of them would work best for pizzerias and have the possibility to be automatized?

The extensive working experience of Examinare survey company, which has created Food Evaluator solution shows that the best ways of getting the sought-for data for food establishments on the daily basis, while not bothering the clients too much are the surveys via email/SMS and tablet surveys on location. Surveys via SMS/email are sent in a certain time to the person’s smartphone. They have three functions. The first is mentioning about the pizzeria once again. The second is collecting complains or compliments and forming the overall evaluation of the food establishment’s work on the daily basis. The third is motivating people to visit the location or pizzeria chain again by receiving a reward (food coupon or something similar) for sharing their opinion.

Tablet surveys on location are organized through installing Examinare Gadgets app on the tablet and placing it anywhere inside the pizzeria (as a rule, it is done near the cash desk). This kind of surveys allows the customers to share their opinions or feelings, while they are still fresh and to receive the same benefits as the rewards described above. It is the most unobtrusive form of collecting feedback and controlling the work of the food establishment from anywhere (the results are analyzed and displayed inside the dashboard in real time).

How to start collecting customer feedback with Food Evaluator within your pizzeria chain?

Every company is different and has its own work features, so there is no universal solution or price plan for all the cases. Feedback gathering method, survey questions, system setup are only few of the elements that have to be built and set independently for every individual business. So, to start working with Food Evaluator and organize an automatic customer feedback system in your pizzeria, please, fill in the Price Quotation Request fields. Our experts will check it and contact you with the available implementation options and the estimated budget information.

Welcome to Food Evaluator, where we help pizzerias and other food establishments to anticipate customer needs and always serve them better than the competitors do.

This article is about Food Evaluator.
Our service for Restaurant Surveys.

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