Optimal ways to collect customer feedback in Fast Food Restaurants


Today customer feedback is a vital part of marketing activities in the fast food restaurant trade. Valuable insights received from the real clients and describing the current establishment’s situation provide managers with reasonable data on the improving menu, food,customer service and work in general.

However, task of encouraging people to leave their opinion or fill in the fast food survey is a tough one and should not be underestimated. Do surveys on website and receipt surveys bring the satisfactory results and how can we use modern technologies to collect more qualitative feedback in the most efficient ways?

What makes people refuse to devote their time to customer surveys?

Numerous researches of independent marketing companies showed that only 10% of fast food customers save their receipts for taking part in the survey later, even with a possibility to receive a reward. Rather low percentage can be explained with another uncovered fact: half of people don’t even notice any information about surveys at all. The most popular reasons making people refuse from sharing their feedback are insufficient motivation (rewards, which they consider unworthy), lack of free time and excessive complexity of surveys.

At the same time (and it is very important to emphasize), more than 85% of fast food customers said, that they would definitely provide their feedback, if there was a convenient and easy way to do this. It means that lots of companies simply lose the opportunities of improving their work and operations in certain locations by using wrong feedback collection method or not doing it at all.

How to collect fast food customer feedback effectively with Food Evaluator.

Food Evaluator system was developed taking into account all the described above researches and contains only the most demanded and efficient functionality.

  1. Allows to send the surveys directly to the customers’ emails manually or set up an automatic sending by the system itself through the certain customer group or based on certain trigger. This way clients, who throw off their receipts or do not visit your website (note, that it’s not less than 50% of your customer base) will be reached.
  2. Gives an opportunity to organize a customer satisfaction spot in your fast food restaurant. Survey is preloaded on a tablet and any customer who is willing to share their thoughts or evaluate the work of your establishment can do it right on the spot. Thus,you will reach the busy people, who if do not do something right away, then they never do it at all.
  3. Survey experts of Food Evaluator will prepare the right survey, which does not contain the unnecessary details, brings the exact, relevant information and is easy to use from the customer side. Not only software, but the survey construction itself is very important in the task of collecting the sought-for feedback.

Food Evaluator is a complete and comprehensive solution for preparing questions, collecting customer answers and analyzing them in automatic or semi-automatic mode. The advantages of new technologies allow to capture the attention of clients and remove any barriers on the way of learning what do people really want and need.

Contact Food Evaluator team by phone or email to get an additional information of how the system can be organized in your individual location.

This article is about Food Evaluator.
Our service for Restaurant Surveys.

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