Follow up every support call with SMS questionnaire.


Running a customer service organization is usually a big task, behind which there are many employees and a great deal of quality assurance work. By using Pocket Response system for SMS surveys you can follow up every support call easily and automatically.

We create integrations to your telephone system.

A lot of today's telephone systems can be set to automatically extract a list of recently received calls. By obtaining these lists you can send SMS questionnaires to your customers, also being done automatically. By always checking the latest incoming calls and setting a limit of the least time spent on the phone, you can get the numbers of all the clients that have, for example, talked to the support department for more than 5 minutes.

Can you send SMS questionnaires, if your telephone system does not have a possibility of integration?

Our Pocket Response service can also be used in conjunction with a special form, that is available only through your IP address and/or is blocked with an access code. When you specify the telephone number of your customer, a follow-up questionnaire is sent via SMS directly to the customer's mobile phone.

The form may also contain support case numbers or similar background data. We can also add the name of the support agent, who sends the SMS and use it both in the analysis and in the SMS message for increasing the number of replies.

Why is SMS questionnaire a good solution for the feedback about the support calls?

SMS questionnaire is one of the fastest ways to answer surveys. Most people have a mobile phone today and receive not many calls from the fixed numbers. Therefore, the mobile phone is with them all day and it usually makes them respond a little faster, when it comes to the text messages. However, SMS surveys entail the cost of the SMS message sending and therefore many people choose to combine sending surveys via e-mail with sending the reminders via SMS to reduce the number of sent SMSes.

Do we need a special mobile subscription to send SMSes via Pocket Response?

No, Pocket Response sends SMSes via our servers and not via your mobile phones or systems. Moreover, we can also handle responses via SMS and save all the answers for you. This type of responses can be analyzed and presented in the form of the report as well.

How can we start using Pocket Response?

Contact our sales department and start with SMS surveys/SMS questionnaires using Pocket Response already today.

This article is about Pocket Response.
Our Service for SMS voting and SMS Surveys.

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