Food Evaluator, the perfect implementation of Customer Satisfaction Surveys in a restaurant.


No one will deny the positive effect and use, which learning customer feedback makes to the business. However, organizing it on a regular or periodic basis together with getting the satisfactory response rate for making right conclusions is always a challenge. The process should be easy to use, quick (avoiding unnecessary steps) and pleasant, otherwise no one will devote their precious time to it or give the meaningful answers. In this article we will share some successful tips of organizing customer satisfaction surveys in the restaurant, which have already proven their effectiveness. 

Answering on the device is a way to get instant and guaranteed feedback by Customer Satisfaction Surveys.

Every manager dealing with customer satisfaction surveys knows, that 30% response rate is a perfect parameter, which is quite hard to achieve. If the restaurant management system does not contain an automatic solution, asking for the customer contact data and then manually sending and analyzing the results takes too much effort, while bringing only little benefit in return. However, there is always a way out and Point-of experience feedback from Food Evaluator is just what the doctor ordered.

It is an easy to use yet effective way to collect customer insights right at the restaurant. When the visitors have had their meals or are waiting for the receipt to pay according to it, it’s a suitable moment to ask about their impressions from your establishment. With one push of a button survey is being preloaded on the screen of a tablet/smartphone and can be passed to your visitor for getting the answers to few short questions about the service, food and beverages, overall atmosphere and so on. It’s a great chance to collect valuable information while it’s still “hot”. The results are instantly analyzed and displayed inside the manager’s dashboard.

How to turn customer feedback collecting into a win-win strategy.

It’s quite obvious that not everyone wants to devote personal time at the restaurant to surveys. Even if your survey is short, entertaining or good looking, answering its questions is always a customer favor. However, long lasting practice shows that there is a perfect solution to this. If you can interest or motivate people, they will gladly help you. Give a small discount or a free coffee (or at least a chance to win something extra) for the completed survey and you will not only get a much higher response rate, but also drastically increase the probability of the client’s return visit.

Order Food Evaluator and benefit from its many other additional features.

“Answer in device” is not the only way of getting restaurant customer feedback available in Food Evaluator. It can be also implemented to automatically send surveys to the customers that scan a certain QR-code or visit a page on your website. Of course, questionnaire sending can also be done manually by an authorized person. Food Evaluator service also includes individual survey creation by the experts of our company, system setup, configuration and many more. You can order an account on our website or contact us to get additional information about the platform and how it can be integrated into your usual working process.

This article is about Food Evaluator.
Our service for Restaurant Surveys.

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