How to handle negative feedback, 5 ways to be better.


We all get them, the customer reviews that feels a bit unfair. Most of the reviews that are experienced negative or plain silly are the treasure chest of feedback. Using it wisely will get your clinic to be better, here we have written down some tips, they not fit everyone but can fit you.

Invite to a dialog. (Be the one listening, not talking).

When you invite to a dialog with a patient that feel they have not gotten what they paid for or not the diagnose they where expecting then there is always an “not so” easy way of getting them into a better mood. It is to listen to what they feel and ask questions, not giving them their answers. Let the counterpart empty all their battery of anger and you will be the winner. But before you start this exercise then try to do the same with your partner or children. Next time a “fight” is picked then remove their doubts with questions that will make them slow down their thinking but be careful to ask the wrong confronting questions. Try to get through the argument in 50-100 words or less, then you are ready to handle any feedback.

Send flowers on their birthday.

This part can be a sensitive part since there are many regulations about how patient and doctor can react but if there is a big of wiggle room for your clinic then send flowers to your patient that had a bad experience, if not possible for the clinic to pay for it then consider paying it out of pocket. Flowers normally will show that you care and would like to open a communication channel about what has gone wrong.

See if there is a trend going on.

Sometimes the daily routine can get a bit too much routine and we forget how to spot a malfunction in our daily routine. Since there can be a real problem in the results then make sure you check your score every 14 days or once a month. If there is a trend then there is something needed to be worked on. Make sure you are not working with a blind-fold on.

Stop looking at online reviews.

If you are depending on reviews then you are not finding any answers, only more questions. Online reviews are a way of getting customers to warn about a business. Not a way of a business to get better, it will waste most of your time to always use online reviews that you can not get answers from.

Use Clinic Evaluator.

As you might have expected then of course we want to promote our service but also it is a fact that our customers feels that Clinic Evaluator is the best tool for them to stay ontop of things. Use Clinic Evaluator, there you will know what is going on and you can be sure the patients are real patients and not competitors paying others to leave bad reviews. We always have time to have a more in-depth discussion on how we can make your business better and we always put a NDA (Non-disclosure Agreement) in place with all customers.

This article is about Clinic Evaluator.
Our service for Customer Satisfaction Surveys for Clinics.

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