Follow-up the terminations of gym membership via SMS surveys and E-mail surveys.


Dismissals of gym memberships take place every day. However, some of them are based on lack of use; there are also some people, who cancel membership every summer season. How many of your layoffs happen, because your customers are not happy with your gym? Without following up the customers, you do not know, why are they terminating their memberships. Why Cancel is a service that aims to reduce layoffs over time and discover the crucial reasons of changing gyms by your customers. Collect and systematize information, get real data as a basis for making changes to your company and customer management strategies.

Get the help of experts in conducting a properly prepared and effective survey.

For more than 10 years we have been creating surveys for customers in your industry. Our staff works closely with the customer, learns more about your company and develops an effective, targeted survey that is implemented according to your will of measuring the Satisfied Customer Index and redundancies. In that case, our service can give high percentage of responses and the results in readable and useful form for you to develop your company further.

We plan a meeting with your representative, where the requirements and goals of your business are carefully studied. Afterwards we create the survey and give advices on how to organize an investigation campaign together with us in the best way for your unique case.

Always know, what makes the customers leave your gym and use this information to your advantage.

Why Cancel can be adjusted according to the model of customer subscriptions in your gym. If you use a registry or similar system, a survey can be sent to the customers, which have canceled their subscriptions or have not extended them. All you have to do is export names, emails and send them to Why Cancel in Excel format. (Note that we also have the ways to support other file formats). The system analyzes the received data and sends the survey to your customers according to the preset settings.

If you allow your customers to subscribe/unsubscribe through your website, Why Cancel can be connected to it. When the subscription is canceled, Why Cancel automatically gets the customer's name, email and sends the previously prepared survey according to your preferences.

Why Cancel automatically sends out both SMS surveys and email surveys.

The true value of the collected data lies in qualitative analysis and reporting. Inside Why Cancel we have implemented and included the most useful and often necessary features, which you need to get the most out of your customers' answers.

Immediately after receiving a response from the customer, the reports are generated with diagrams. They show the general statistics with the total number of responses and the proportion of respondents for each response alternative. Text answers are analyzed in a separate way and you can see the most popular ones in a format of a text cloud. Various filters by date, language, coach and review of the individual answers are available within a mouse click. The required reports can be designed, generated and downloaded in the most popular file formats.

Contact us to send out SMS surveys and E-mail surveys for following up the cancellation of gym membership with Why Cancel.

This article is about Why Cancel.
Our service for Anti-churn with real customer questionnaires that convert.

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