Clinic Evaluator now includes survey questions.


Clinic Evaluator would not be a good solution, if our goal was not the highest quality of the product. During the last year we have been focused on getting together a streamlined process that helps us to keep the survey construction cost for each individual company down.

From the beginning of this year we have a dedicated team of 3 people, lead by our CEO Daniel Kroon that works full time to make sure you can start Clinic Evaluator as fast as possible, but still keeping the quality to an all-time high.

Your experience starts with the interview.

After you have decided to go on-board with Clinic Evaluator, you will then be interviewed by one of our teammates. We go through your position right now, what weaknesses you are experiencing and what is the goal of your future business.

After the interview survey questions are put together into a draft that will be sent to you within 1 week. After suggestions from you or the person responsible at your company, we will make the final draft and do the setup for test-driving the whole process.

Ongoing adjustments are included.

As always with human interaction there is a change in the company and therefor, our help in adjusting the questions of your form depending on your company changes is included in the monthly price.

How to start with Clinic Evaluator.

To start using Clinic Evaluator, contact our sales team and we will help you to get started. Clinic Evaluator, when the quality is what counts.

This article is about Clinic Evaluator.
Our service for Customer Satisfaction Surveys for Clinics.

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