Track cancellations in a SaaS Business.


Why Cancel not only tracks newsletter unsubscriptions. It is also a perfect tool for tracking cancellations in your SaaS platform. When a customer unsubscribes, it is necessary to know why. Was the cancellation due to malfunction, incorrect functionality, cost or is it just the time to say goodbye?

To know why your customers cancel their accounts, you can easily connect Why Cancel and take care of all settings.

Step 1: Contact us at Examinare and get help with getting started. 

Why Cancel is created by Examinare and by ordering Why Cancel from the Prices page, you can get started Why Cancel in the best possible way. 

Step 2: Interview and questionnaire. 

We hold an interview with your company representative and after that we create the survey. We make sure that the survey results show exactly what you want to know now and for the future needs. 

Step 3: We connect and give you a perfect result view. 

We ensure that integration is done as quickly and easily as possible, either completely independent or using your techniques. After the integration, you can collect data directly. 

When you run a SaaS business model, it is always good to track your cancellations. Each company has its own internal challenges, but do not worry, with Why Cancel you will get a better track of where you are and where your business is going.

This article is about Why Cancel.
Our service for Anti-churn with real customer questionnaires that convert.

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