Food Evaluator, a tool that gathers customer feedback for you.


Today we are extremely happy to announce that our tool Food Evaluator is finally available for use at any coffee/food establishment that wants to know more about their customers.

Many times we have heard from restaurant owners that customer satisfaction is connected with high costs and are very time-consuming therefor they tend to skip it. A more common practice is the verbal confirmation about the taste and quality of service from the owner but this also does not capture all the feedback and it is not possible to catalog what the customers really feel and think. However, there is a need to gather data on what menu and drinks perform better. In the manual case of verbal communication, there is no guarantee that the answers received will be trustworthy.
Customer satisfaction surveys are a must for proper development and growth of food business, but we agree that they should be quick and easy both for restaurant and its visitor. That is why we developed Food Evaluator based on three main fundamentals: speed, ease of use and powerful statistics.

Why is Food Evaluator different from any other solutions?

- quick and effortless (from your side) setup in your restaurant/coffee shop.
Our system can be deployed in the shortest time possible. So once you realized that you want to learn your customer satisfaction, it's a matter of few days till it is fully functional at your place.
- ease of use and maintenance.
Food Evaluator is a very intuitive system. Its interface is developed specifically for people with modest computer literacy, that is why you can be sure, you will understand how to use it from the very first minute. In case of any difficulties, there is an extensive user manual on our site with the detailed explanations and lots of screenshots related to each section of the system. You can also always write to us in online chat or by email and we will answer within few hours the same day.
- possibility to use various communication channels.
Tastes differ. So do approaches of restaurant managers in reaching their customers. We give you the freedom to choose the most convenient way for your exact case. You can ask your customer to answer few short questions on a tablet inside your restaurant or enter his email address into the system and a survey will be sent to him by Food Evaluator automatically according to your settings.
- rich statistics with advanced filtering.
There is no use in learning customer satisfaction if you can't summarize these results in a proper way to make the right conclusions. Analytics is not an easy task. That is why we gathered the most in-demand analytic functions and simplified their use. So that now you have access to real-time results, advanced filtering, and calculation of CSAT score inside intuitive and easy-to-use interface.
- we help you all the way through.
We care about our every single customer. That is why we do not leave you after you have paid for the service. Our survey professionals develop a questionnaire for you according to your situation and needs, we set up all the Food Evaluator system to make sure that you can use it effortlessly and without any troubles. We can extend or change any system functionality if you need it because we are not the resellers, we are the creators of it. Finally, we worry about our customers, that is why in case of anything, we will do our best to help you in the shortest time possible.

One of our customers has recently called Food Evaluator "the wisest financial investment for the most extraordinary service ever received". Yes, we are not only telling how useful learning customer satisfaction is, we actually learn it ourselves every day.

This article is about Food Evaluator.
Our service for Restaurant Surveys.

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