How To Design a Powerful Career Interest Survey?


Work occupies a significant part of our life. It gives the financial support to our existence, helps to realize ourselves, to grow professionally. Correctly chosen direction of work gives an opportunity not only to achieve high results but also to enjoy the work, which, in turn, will certainly affect the final product and income. It often happens that people do not know what kind of work would be the most suitable for them. They study the demand for professionals on the labor market, the value of wages, listen to parents and friends. But it does not bring the desired result. It is so because each person has particular aptitude and inclinations, which will help to achieve high results in one direction and will be completely useless in another. A career interest survey is designed to handle a solution to this problem.

It may sound strange, but it is true in reality: a few minutes spent on a career interest survey can completely predetermine your future life and indicate the right direction. That's why the importance of this type of surveys is obvious. There are many types of such surveys, as well as many others: from simple school surveys to the Campbell Interest and Skill Survey (CISS). The relevance of each of them depends on the purpose and circumstances.

A standard career interest survey is often conducted at schools. It is designed to identify common trends and gives some simple recommendations, which, however, aren't completely accurate. Its result can determine certain interest groups, the possible direction of respondent's suitable education. For example, working with people, art, business, medicine, computer technologies. Multiple-choice questions will help to identify areas, which received the biggest amount of answers. They will show a preferred direction of work.

Campbell Interest and Skill Survey and other similar studies are more complex and require much more time and effort, but, at the same time, give a more accurate result. Data is collected with the help of an empirical method for several years. The result of this study is compared not with common characteristics peculiar to certain professional groups, but with the results of other people who have gained success in a certain direction. Thus, the respondent will be able to get a specific list of occupations, which are most suitable for him.

Another example of complex research is the COPS or Career Occupation Preference System. This career interest survey is given to high school students. It determines not only the aptitude, skills and talents but also the actual knowledge. The survey results provide a practical approach to the choice of profession, including the planning of educational courses, that may be required in the future, as well as a list of activities that will bring the necessary experience.

It happens also that all the necessary surveys have been carried out, the results have been obtained and approved by the respondent, but it is difficult for him to choose between several professions that are equally suitable. In this case, a career interest survey, which is based on the definition of working values, will be very useful. There are people who prefer teamwork, there are those who like to work alone; someone is faced with the complexities in the work, which requires diligence and making fast solutions in the shortest time, etc. Human psychology is an important component of a comfortable working environment and it should also be taken into consideration.

No matter what kind of research is most suitable for you, Examinare Company will be able to assist. The rich experience of its staff will help you to avoid unnecessary mistakes in dealing with surveys, while a user-friendly survey tool helps to conduct research and subsequent analysis of the results at the highest technological level. Contact us by email, phone or live chat, and your next career interest survey will exceed any expectations!

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