What if you could ask your customers before they are your customer?
2014-04-11What would you do today if you could easily ask 1000 people on what really matters to them?
Do you think you could get a more grasp and good look on your way of communicating with them to buy your services?
It is no mystery that we at Examinare AB love feedback. A thought or a spoken word from someone who has a reflection of something that can be used to amplify someone’s marketing reach. We love to get for you the information you need to grow your business and started from October last year we have been integrating our system with one of the biggest suppliers in the world, where you as our customer can make Market Research and pay only for the votes you need.
This means, if you are looking for what a carpenter in Germany who really thinks of a new nail gun you are planning to manufacture, it will open a totally new scenario for you. You can, from the votes, get all the needed improvements in maybe years to come and it will help you get a flying start and a good way to get up and running!
All you have to do is to reach out to us by sending an email to info@examinare.com and we will make sure your market research will get answers for you with the best price and biggest reach possible.
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