Evaluate your vehicle service with Examinare Vehicle Service Satisfaction Survey


When you as a service center provide vehicle service, it is very important to keep customer satisfaction high. There are many different ways to make this measurement. However, many people do not do this regularly; one of the reasons is that they do not really want to know anything, because it might be embarrassing with bad criticism. Such position is not just burying the company head in the sand, but it also is a very large loss for the future of the brand. Evaluating customers’ approach provides not only a strength for your brand but it also is a good foundation for the needed improvements and can be economically purely justified.

Evaluation of vehicle services can be expensive if you use telephone follow-ups, but it is not the worst. The absolute worst thing is that this survey channel usually cannot reproduce the problems to satisfactory quality for the follow-up department. But don’t get sad, we at Examinare have developed an approach where you get access to everything you need to become the absolute best in following up and listening to what your customers think. We will constantly provide you with ongoing customer surveys via email, text or phone, and reports all the time.

This service has a fixed pricing depending on how many annual service times you have. By automatically ensuring that the service follow-up falls close to your service interval, we can provide you with a streamlined evaluation package for your vehicle service survey follow-ups. Due to the vehicle service survey, all the facts will be in front of you, and this way you can make reasonable decisions. Our packages can be custom-tailored to your business needs.

Examinare Vehicle Service Satisfaction Survey is not just a service monitoring.

Our survey package is not just for control of your service. By following up with your customers regularly, you show that their opinion really is of high value to you and your brand. Most customers want to respond to your inquiries and your questions to help you with improving your business communication. Our questionnaire package “Vehicle Service Satisfaction Survey” will save you time and money while you find out how to improve. The answer to your improvements can be as easy as some employees need a schooling in Customer Interaction. But before you order such a seminar you really need to know more details. The best providers of these details are your customers.

Why does your Service center need to be evaluated?

In Marketing the number of satisfied customers is crucial, but the number of customers who love your service is more important. They will spread the word about your Service directly as soon as they hear someone needs to book a Tune-up or another vehicle Service and it will help you more than just an ad in the newspaper. Even when an angry customer gives a bad mark, you will know how to improve the interaction and be enabled to fix the problem.

How do you start with the Vehicle Service Satisfaction Survey?

Contact us at Examinare on +46 (0) 8-559 26 800 or fill out a quote request on our site and we’ll book a time with our team for you to ensure that the vehicle service survey will be just as you want. We will do everything for our customers to be delighted with us and look forward to working with you on Vehicle Service Satisfaction Survey.

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