Evaluate the experiences of your guests with Examinare Hotel Questionnaire.


In service industries such as hotels, it is very important not only to serve customers when they decide to stay at your hotel, service should continue also after their stay. By which, we mean asking questions, whether the service level was sufficient or not for your guests and do they wish to come back? Examinare hotel survey allows you to find out exactly that information.

A more or less dissatisfied customer will tell others and not you about his worries. Well-designed survey questions allow you to follow up on your guests and to find out the obstacles that stops them from returning the next time they need a room or group travel booking. In Examinare hotel questionnaires we've done a deep dive into the hotels' daily lives and we know what makes customers come back for sure.

Our Hotel Questionnaire Survey Package is available in customized versions for large, small and country inns. We make sure that you get the right feedback for your business needs to grow in your customers' eyes, maintaining a high level of service, and can make simple decisions based on facts and not bad guesses.

Examinare hotel questionnaire is not only a tool for service levels control.

Our survey package does not just helps to control your service, but also to find trends and to be at the forefront of your industry. There may be small changes that will be picked up by the urbane customers telling you what is expected or what is good for other hotels, usually on the other side of the globe. You will be surprised at how much feedback you can gather with the Hotel Questionnaire included into Survey Package from Examinare.

Why and which hotels need to be evaluated.

It's easy to get caught up in everyday life and not to change anything at your hotel. Sometimes it only happens when your guests tell you what they have expected, what you have delivered in fact, and what aspects are important for them. The cost of making use of Examinare survey package is small compared to not knowing, and the Hotel Questionnaire will save you much time and money, not to mention how much your guests will appreciate that you really care about their opinion.

How can we start?

Anyone who listens to feedback from the customers knows what to expect and with Examinare Hotel Questionnaire Survey Package you get exactly what your business needs - feedback. To start, send us an inquiry today by calling at +468-559 26 800 or email us at info@examinare.com to know more about the hotel surveys.

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