Create ongoing support monitoring and follow-ups via SMS, email or phone.


It is undeniable that the Support Departments worldwide are always more or less understaffed. Customers that too often are exposed to medium-long waits are a living proof of this. However, when the help desk answers to the inquiry, it makes all the difference. Having a well-informed support staff and doing its best to satisfy the customer with the needed information is one of the most important parts of your company’s image.

Support follow-up studies are important, but ongoing support follow-ups are vital.

By tracking all support issues, you make your business super modern. You can plan the training sessions and learn from the best in your company. It is important to monitor the customers, but doing it regularly is even more important.

By doing ongoing support monitoring via SMS, you can send an inquiry or a quick vote to your customers and they will then respond via SMS/mobile browser. But that's not it, you can even make correlations between the answers and the client who has dealt with the support case. Most support systems also have an opportunity to see directly what support case has been about and an internal training list can be set up. Of course, you can also implement the same company tracking via e-mail or telephone.

By engaging with a partner, which Examinare AB is, you can control the entire process from text to answer and the priority list tacked to you. The results are updated regularly and you will also be able to get help with how to put up the planning of the training to not affect opening hours and ensure that your customers' waiting time will not be longer than normal in turn.

Examinare AB with roots in systems engineering, project management and follow-ups can definitely help you with automated surveys today. To get started, please contact one of our team members by filling in an inquiry directly on our site. We will plan a joint session then to ensure that you have a flexible and good solution to your ongoing support monitoring via SMS, email or by phone. Welcome to Examinare!

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