Tips on Parent Satisfaction Survey
2013-10-30Today Parent Satisfaction Survey is indispensable in the analysis, development and improvement of the educational process. After reaching a certain age children spend much of their time in educational institutions. At first, it is a kindergarten and later it is a school. Continuous improvement of the education sector, its adaptation to the conditions of modern life is the most important factor that has a direct impact on children's development. But meeting all the requirements and following the standards is not enough, it is also necessary to take into account the current and many other circumstances surrounding personality.
The Parent Satisfaction Survey is designed to give them the opportunity to express their opinions, share their thoughts about the functioning of kindergarten and the school system. It helps the management personnel, teachers to identify their strengths and weaknesses, to understand what aspects of the work need to be changed or improved.
Which questions are included in the Parent Satisfaction Survey?
As a rule, the questions are related to the elements of the educational process:
- parents' attitude to the working staff (teachers, tutors, director, psychologists): how well do they cope with their responsibilities, how does the child perceive them, how the results of their work are evaluated;
- the influence of parents on the learning process and their participation in it;
- the quantity and quality of homework, extracurricular activities, special courses;
- the level of training in various areas, preparation for institutions of higher education or the potential future profession, physical fitness;
- infrastructure development: a swimming pool, athletic fields, a transport connection, school bus, computer equipment, the official website on the internet etc.
As you can see, the questions are designed specifically for the Parent Satisfaction Survey. There is a great variety of ways and possibilities for the improvement of educational institutions. But the important points are the correct creation of the questionnaire itself and the choice of the tool for its creation and distribution. It will determine the number of received responses and their quality.
What to consider forming a Parent Satisfaction Survey?
First of all, you need to determine what kind of target information you wish to receive. Will it be general or any special, specific data. A list of questions is created after it. You should not try to write them as much as possible, grabbing topics that are not your primary goal. Keep in mind that the abundance of questions repels and annoys the respondents. It also contributes to the loss of concentration and, as a consequence, contributes to the thoughtless, doubtful answers. You should ask only those questions which are the most important to you. Use the rating scale, comparison, different types of questions that will ease the understanding of the information by the respondents and provide you the convenience of further analysis. Also, it would be good to include an opportunity to give a free text answer. It's not always possible to assume is there the most appropriate answer for the individual in a list of options.
In the creation of the survey, it would be effective to use the approach where the most common questions are positioned at the beginning of the questionnaire. Then the respondent will gradually move to the special ones. Avoid unclear words, complex terms and structures.
The method used in distributing the Parent Satisfaction Survey also plays an important role in obtaining a high response rate and reliable results. While some institutions still prefer "paper" researches, it is the electronic form that is the most progressive, popular and relevant. It provides the usability, privacy and safety of the results. Also, it opens up rich opportunities for further analysis of the data.
We, at Examinare, have extensive experience in all kinds of researches and the Parent Satisfaction Survey is no exception. During our work, we have repeatedly seen how similar electronic surveys became an important first step in the development, growth and improvement of the companies, organizations, educational and medical institutions etc. Our survey tool is always open for you. Also if you need assistance in creating or carrying out any researches, we will gladly help you. Just contact us by phone, email or online chat. Create your Parent Satisfaction Survey with Examinare today!
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